The EK services
- Services against the packaging producers
- Services against the importers of packaging materials
- Services against the food producers
Services against the packaging producers
The EK Declaration
According to EU regulation written compliance declarations and documentation must be provided for the food contact material. The EK Declarations are used by the Norwegian food industry to fulfil this requirement. The EK secretariat can assist members to obtain necessary documentation from the producers of the raw materials, and give support where testing or calculation is required to fulfil the SML restrictions.
The regulation
The basis for the EK Declaration is the EU Regulations, the EU Directives, the German BfR, the American FDA, CoE Resolutions and industry Guidelines and Standards. The EU measures prevail. The EK secretariat will support members to choose relevant reference regulation, and if necessary contact the food control authorities for interpretations of the requirements.
Secrecy agreements
Information about proprietary substances in the raw materials is necessary for ingredients listed with a restriction (SMLs) in the regulations/directives. Secrecy agreements can be singed with the raw material producer to obtain relevant information.
Migration testing and calculation
The EU directives are based on requirements to finished food contact material. This implies testing or in many cases alternative calculation. Calculation is based on theoretical complete transfer of the ingredient, or on accepted diffusion models.
Services against the importers of packaging materials
EK Declaration and EU regulation
According to EU-regulation written compliance declarations and documentation must be provided for the food contact material. EK-Declarations are often used by the Norwegian food industry to fulfil this requirement. The EK-secretariat can assist members to obtain necessary documentation from the producers of the food contact material and the raw materials, so that an EK-Declaration can be issued.
Import from outside Europe
Be aware that non-European producers of food contact materials must fulfil the EU regulation, including the detailed EU directives. Directives are not well-known in these countries. Here, EK can assist in describing the requirements. EK also has a check-list that can be used. Be sure that the producer/converter has the intention to fulfil the EU regulation and to perform required tests, before contracts are entered.
Services against the food producers
The EK Declaration
According to EU Regulation written compliance declarations and documentation must be provided for the food contact material. With an EK Declaration in place the food industry has fulfilled this requirement.
Conditions of use
There may be limitations to the uses of the packaging materials (types of foodstuffs, temperature). The EK Declaration will show possible uses and limitations.
Centre of expertise
The EK secretariat is updated on the EU legislation and the adoption of EU Regulations and EU Directives in Norway.
Useful reference
The EK Declaration is a useful reference when the retail chains, media and the consumers request proof of documentation.