About EK
The Packaging Convention EK – “An industry co-operation initiative”
The Norwegian Food Control Authority (Mattilsynet) require documentation on all food packaging to make sure it do not endanger human health. The Packaging Convention EK (Emballasjekonvensjonen) offer its assistance to fulfill these obligations.
With an EK Declaration will your company secure that all details and required documentation are covered and in place.
All companies that join the EK agreement and membership will contribute effectively to maintain industry reputation.
“The food industry is responsible for safe packaging of its products”
– The Norwegian Food Control Authority (Mattilsynet)
Contact between EK and its members
The EK Secretariat is always available for questions and other inquiries from members and others. In conjunction with the Annual Meeting in April, EK puts together a seminar where the members and other interested may get input and news from the packaging world.
The EK seminar 2023 took place 27th April at Nofima AS in ÅS, where four selected speakers talked about regulations, new challenges with waste management and new regulations in EU regarding recycling of plastic.
The Annual Meeting 2023 took place 27th April at Nofima AS in ÅS after the EK seminar, starting with lunch for the present members. The Secretariat summarized EK’s activities in 2022, presented the financial statements, the budget etc. New members to the Board of Directors were elected, and the EK Board of Directors for 2023/2024 is as follows:
- Anette Osvik Mills AS
- Anna Maria Karlsen NHO Mat og Drikke
- Mari Haugesten VPK Packaging AS (Chairman)
- Eirik Faukland Moltzau Packaging AS
- Sylvia Lofthus Coop Norge SA