The Norwegian Packaging Convention (Emballasjekonvensjonen – EK) is a collaborative organization between food producers, packaging suppliers and grocery stores. As per January 1st, 2023, EK has 93 members from both Norway and other countries.
Contributing to make sure that food packaging is safe is one of the main goals of EK. An important part in reaching this goal is the EK Declaration, which is issued after a thoroughly control of the packaging’s documentation.
The EK secretariat consists of advisers who issues EK Declarations after controlling the documentation from packaging producers, raw material suppliers, and analytical reports of the packaging. An EK Declaration is valid for two (2) years before it must be renewed, but it might happen that the EK secretariat can prolong the validity by up to three months.
The documentation needed for an EK Declaration must be written and satisfy certain minimum requirements established in consultation with the Norwegian Food Authority (Mattilsynet).
EK is led by a board consisting of members from the food and packaging industry and EK members. The EK secretariat manages the day-to-day administrative tasks and inquiries from members and others. The secretariat is located at Nofima AS in ÅS, Norway.
Contact person:
Ida-Helene Spydevold
Head of Secretariat,
The Packaging Convention