The EK board
Meetings and tasks
The EK Board of Directors consists of up to five members from organizations, associations, and members of EK. The members are elected at the Annual Meeting in April for a period of two years (two are elected one year, three the next). The Board meets four times a year and is responsible for the work program and work priorities. The work is carried out by the EK Secretariat at Nofima AS.
The EK Board of Directors 2023 – 2024
Anette Osvik Mills AS
Anna Maria Karlsen NHO Mat og Drikke
Mari Haugesten VPK Packaging AS (Chairman)
Eirik Faukland Moltzau Packaging AS
Sylvia Lofthus Coop Norge SA
The EK Secretariat
Ida-Helene Spydevold (Head of the Secretariat)
Magnhild Seim Grøvlen
Merete Rusås Jensen